“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
― Lao Tzu

The word “Love” curls in golden watercolor swirls against a glamorous pink background. The love artwork comes with and without glitter.

You may copy and share this image share with friends, family, and co-workers for personal or non-commercial use. We allow sharing of our art images as part of our goal to provide inspirational art for mental health wellness to the public. You can help support our mission by donating at http://www.donnabellasangels.org/blog/donate/. Our motto is “Medicine Heals the Body, Art Heals the Soul”.
If you wish to use the image for a fundraiser or other awareness event then please email us at info@donnabellasangels.org to request limited art royalty use. Recipients sign a contract describing how they will use the art. Examples include using it on wellness cards, cancer boutique mailers, fundraiser walk t-shirts, banners, and local clinic posters. Groups locally fund printing costs and include an art credit reference into the design. DonnaBellas Angels reviews and approves a design mock-up prior to printing.
If you wish to purchase the art, it is available for sale at DonnaBellas Angels Online Stores. Below are some samples available for purchase. Art royalties on the love word art gifts support the non-profit.