DonnaBellas Angels
Deepest Sympathy Rainbow Hearts Guardian Angel Inspirational Art

U.S. Herd Immunity, COVID Death Rate, & Condolences Messages

DonnaBellas Angels is creating shareable condolences art to provide emotional support as COVID-19 deaths are projected to increase deaths in the United States.

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DonnaBellas Angels Hospital Art Wellness Party

DonnaBellas Angel Art Transformations and Upcoming Digital Wellness Party

Laurel Latto, Artist and Founder, discusses her story that inspired the creation of DonnaBellas Angels and how the art has evolved in service of the community. The “Wellness Party” uses art to create a healing and positive environment. The wellness party will be available soon as a digital download for loved ones to provide remote patient support due to COVID-19 hospitalization restrictions.

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Rainbow Hearts Guardian Angel Watercolor Art Painting

Rainbow Hearts Guardian Angel Art Painting & Gifts

A white light guardian angel has wings folded to create a heart-shaped outline. The feathers of the angel’s wings also[…]

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Kindness Inspirational Word Art Pencil Sketch Drawing Study

Kindness Inspirational Word Art Drawing Study

I have been meaning to create this inspirational word art “kindness” painting for some time.  There is the need for[…]

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Collect Love Pencil Drawing Art Sketch

Collect Love Pencil Sketch Art Drawing

The drawing title is “Collect Love”. The only thing we truly have to keep is never physical objects or possessions[…]

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