The Alpha Omicron Pi “Rocky Mountain Alumnae Chapter” in the Fort Collins, Colorado area participated in the American Cancer Society’s fundraiser Relay for Life. The AOII alumnae chapter asked DonnaBellas Angels for third party art royalty use for their team.

The team created a 10′ x 2′ team banner and 4″ x 4″ tribute cards using the art.

The banner featured the paintings “Rainbow Cancer Heart” and “Blue and Gold Cancer Angel”. The tribute cards also used the “Rainbow Cancer Heart” artwork.
We have found many Relay walkers make stops at our tent site, stopping just to take in the beauty of the different pieces. Then, when they come around the next lap, they’ve brought someone new with them to see the Angels. We’ve had many requests for pieces of DonnaBellas Angels artwork. People respond to the message of hope the art provides.
Julie Hunter-Derby
AOII Rocky Mountain Alumnae President
Fort Collins, CO
The tribute cards were sold as a team fundraiser. They were paired with luminarias that lit the racetrack at night and balloons that were released at a ceremony at the end of the event.

DonnaBellas Angels allows the public can to request limited art royalty use for a cause that aligns with our mission to support mental health wellness through art. Examples include using it on a wellness cards, cancer boutique mailers, fundraiser walk t-shirts, banners, and local clinic posters.
Recipients sign a contract describing how they will use the art. Groups locally fund printing costs and include an art credit reference into the design. Email us at to learn more!