Surfing Life’s Big Waves of Change and Finding Your Silver Linings

2020 has been a year of changes that has thrown the world in turmoil.  A business coach friend, Emily Manning, shared with me about the importance of finding the opportunity or “silver lining” when there is an obstacle. 

For those not familiar with these expressions, it comes from the saying “every cloud has a silver lining” meaning finding an opportunity or a positive experience during a difficult change. The other is from the ancient Roman wisdom of Marcus Aurelius stating “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

Listening to her made me think of a surfing angel.  You cannot control the waves of life but if find the opportunity then you can surf over the waves.

The name of the above painting is “Archangel Raphael Surfing Healing Waves“.    The angel pays tribute to Archangel Raphael whose color is green and is known for bringing healing. The sun helps sustain life and through it plants such as palm trees strengthen and grow. The power of the sun’s energy is symbolized in the matched orange-yellow surfboard.

Archangel Raphael Surfing Healing Waves Art Painting
Archangel Raphael Surfing Healing Waves Art Painting

So how do you get life’s surfboard and learn to surf? The surfboard your support structure. It can be friends, family, angels, spirit guides, pets, or the kindness of strangers. The surfboard is not just external, but also about giving yourself self-care and self-compassion for healing and health mentally and physically. To use a surfboard, the first step is to reach out and ask for help. You do not have to navigate the changes alone.

Guardian angels and guides are available to help you but you need to remember to ask for it! Also, don’t narrowly define in your mind what support has to look like. Think about your emotional goal of where you want to go such having a job that brings fulfillment. You might be offered an opportunity you never dreamed of but really enjoy. Be open to the change like observing the wave, but learn to call on those who would support you. If you fall off and get tumbled by waves then learn to not get overwhelmed by the set back and find a way to reach out for support and surf again. Like the ocean, life is never still but full of changes.

The above angel and the saying “every cloud has a silver lining” inspired a personal art project.  The first scene is life as the previous “normal” before the wave hits you. Scene two is your world gets turned upside down and if you have ever been caught in a big wave, you know the feeling of getting flipped upside down. Scene three is finding your synthesis by adapting to the change and rising above it.  

Surfing Silver Linings Narrative Painting Art Illustration
Surfing Silver Linings Narrative Art Illustration

I hope you find your way to surf big changes and discover your silver linings of opportunities within disruptive changes!

Best Wishes,

Laurel Latto
DonnaBellas Angels Artist and Founder

P. S. There is more about this art series on my personal blog if you are interested to see it.


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