Giving and Receiving Help from your Community
Last week, I attended an online business meeting. A story was shared that two women were discussing coping with pandemic life stress and the feeling of wanting to retreat from the world. The idea was born to send out a turtle emoji as code when the other person wanted to be like a turtle and crawl into her emotional safety shell. The simple emoji text
would be a quick way to communicate, “I am hurting. Please reach out to me.”

The leader of the meeting then went on to ask if someone asked for help, who here would be willing to help? Many people were willing to step up. The question got turned around and asked if you were hurting, would you ask for help?
It was a gut check for me. I am more willing to give help than reach out and ask for help.
Later, I shared the turtle story with a friend who at the end and asked how he could help me. I have had multiple challenges this past year from being a family caregiver. I stumbled over what help to ask for knowing I needed it but unsure where to start. We agreed to keep in touch and potentially have a COVID safe dinner meet-up soon. I really appreciated the phone call and the empathy of a friend.
It made me grateful that I do have a community that I can reach out if I remember to do so. That idea inspired this turtle art piece. It is a relaxed turtle that feels safe coming out of its shell because of community love.
If life has been hard for you, think about sharing the “turtle” idea with friends or family. You can pick another emoji but have an easy way to let someone else know you need them to reach out to you with a “hello” and soul healing help.
Best Wishes,
Laurel Latto
Artist & Founder of DonnaBellas Angels

Pencil sketchbook drawings were created as inspirational ideas to use as the framework for the final digital color art.
A pencil sketchbook drawing was used as the initial outline for the color art. Art was created using digital paper and brushes in Photoshop.

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