The “Spring Hearts Cancer Angel” and “Rainbow Cancer Angel” paintings were donated to Pasco Pinellas Cancer Center with Dr. Roberto Araujo located in Holiday, Florida. The paintings both feature an angel with the inspirational poem “What Cancer Cannot Do”.
What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited…
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot destroy peace.
It cannot kill friendship(s).
It cannot suppress memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot invade the soul.
It cannot steal eternal life.
It cannot conquer the spirit.
-Author Unknown

Johnette Loefgren who was treated at Pasco Pinellas Cancer Center was inspired to write this poem after seeing the art and receiving a print from the nursing staff:
Undaunted Me:
I brought my atmosphere of doom
into the crowded waiting room
I hung my head and heaved a sigh
and tried my hardest not to cry.
Then I rose to get a drink
and something made me pause and think
An angel’s words rang bright and true
and said what Cancer cannot do
No one told me that before
it opened up another door
to hope and strength and something new
I learned what Cancer cannot do
This in turn stirred up my soul
I’m me inside, untouched and whole
Do your worst ,I’ll always be
In life or death, undaunted…ME!
-Johnette Loefgren

DonnaBellas Angels also provided the additional items for donation:
- Donation of note cards for staff to use in sending messages of hope to patients and words of condolence to families.
- Donation of art postcards that staff can distribute to patients and caregivers.
- Donation of art prints that were given to patients and their caregivers.