Discovering Grace’s Meaning

Heart with Grace Guardian Angel Art Sketchbook Pencil Drawing
Heart with Grace Guardian Angel Art Pencil Drawing

Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines “grace” as

a: unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification
b: a virtue coming from God
c: a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine assistance

1: to confer dignity or honor on

I have been thinking about grace as a state of mind when you need to pick yourself up and try again after a failure.   To engage in creative work or try anything new is to know failure.  The saying of taking “baby steps” means more than small steps but falling while learning to walk. 

I have had many moments this year of feeling like I am floundering, making errors, missing opportunities, and more.   I become disappointed in myself for my faults but I take a moment to breathe, reflect, pick myself up, and try again.

This “Heart of Grace Angel” from my sketchbook is a reminder to me to keep trying and hold on to your divine support.  I don’t agree with the dictionary’s definition that assistance is “unmerited”.  There are many angels for loving support (spirit, humans, animals) around us but we only need to ask for assistance.   The patchwork quilt heart represents to me a collection of unique life experiences and layers of learning.  

In Webster’s 1913 dictionary, “to take heart of grace” means to take courage.

To me, grace is always unfolding giving new perspective and light when the light appears dimmed.  If you have any thoughts about grace you would like to share, please do comment.  I would be interested to hear them.

Happy Holidays,
Laurel Latto
DonnaBellas Angels Artist and Founder

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