Finding Courage during Life’s Challenges
There are so many times that I feel defeated. I may have won a small battle and am feeling confident only to have a new or seemingly bigger challenge emerge. It makes me wonder is this just an extra challenging time or the new “normal” of my life? When will a break come? Has it always been this hard?
As the thoughts spin, I remember to breathe. Take a deep breath, let go of the future I cannot control, let go of mourning the past I cannot change, and get back into my heart space of now. Life is lived in the present.
I wonder why my mind goes into the past or present with stories to try and control it? Maybe the more I live, the more I appreciate how fragile life can be? By creating stories, there are narrative control illusions.
The word courage comes from the Latin word “cor” for heart. There are a variety of definitions for courage. My definition is digging into your inner spiritual heart-centered strength as you move forward through life’s challenges. Using courage is more than embracing your heart’s Spirit but also connecting with your community’s heart strength.
For me, community is family, friends, and pets. I have found asking people for help easier said than done. Memories of past disappointments of people who I thought would be there for me dis-courage me from reaching out. Courage is picking yourself up, trying again despite the past, and being open to new alternatives of support.
No matter the earthly support, my heart is en-couraged by connecting with the divine energy of angels and Spirit. Angels do not erase your life’s troubles. I know angels help me find the path forward through the haze of setbacks. Spirit reminds me that my soul is created from Spirit’s love and connected with all life.
The above “Courage Inspirational Word Art” is a representation to me of finding Spirit’s courage. The word is in green symbolizes renewal and is the color of healing. The yellow color means wisdom and enlightenment creating the base. Red, pink, and peach hearts are color variations on love energy infused with different levels of white light. The touches of violet represent the high divine energy of Spirit. The colors together create a harmony of Spirit support. The art was created using watercolor followed by soft pastel on paper.
I hope you enjoy my courage word art and hopefully inspire you in your exploring, finding, embracing, and practicing courage.
Courageous Yours,
Laurel Latto
Artist & Founder of DonnaBellas Angels
DonnaBellas Angels Motto: “Medicine Heals the Body, Art Heals the Soul”
Courage Word Art Store
You can download the Courage Inspirational Word Art image from the DonnaBellas Angels website for personal (non-commercial) use. It is also available for sale online in our Zazzle store. Royalties on the sale support the non-profit. It is available on a variety of merchandise including art prints, canvas wraps, keychains, buttons, bags, shirts, stickers, and more. Below are a few samples. Click here to see all Courage Art on Zazzle.