Guardian Angels of Loving Kindness Pastel Artwork

Loving Kindness Guardian Angel Heart Art Painting
Loving Kindness Guardian Angel Heart Artwork Painting

There are times when I feel lonely in this world. Life feels like standing on an ocean beach with the incoming waves of life challenges that keep knocking me over. I stand up thinking I got over that problem only to have another wave that sweeps me off my feet leaving me struggling again. It feels fatiguing waiting for the waves of struggle to become manageable.

That is when I take a moment to breathe deeply and remember that I am never truly alone. There are always guardian angels around me but I need to ask for their help. Angels can be family, friends, or pets helping you through life’s trials. They can also be personal spiritual guardian angels standing unseen but having your back. Nothing can stop life’s challenges from coming but guardian angels can buffer the waves and help you get up again after a fall.

I call this piece “Guardian Angels of Loving Kindness” because there are two angels helping to shield a heart from the turmoil of energy beyond their wings. They help bring a loving glowing light like a warm fire to keep the heart from going cold. The heart responds with a golden glow. Loving-kindness exists when you are first able to hold love in your heart and share that inner flame with others to warm the world. Having boundaries is an act of self-love. Guardian angels help protect your inner soul light.

Whenever I start to feel disconnected, I reach out and ask for the support of my guardian angels to help keep my heart warm.

When someone is unkind and harsh with me, I do my best to react with loving-kindness and boundaries. Hurt people hurt people. I do what I can to protect myself from their cold heart negativity by first making boundaries and then doing my best responding with loving-kindness to help stop the cycle of hurt.

There are times I am easily triggered and wish to return the emotional harm. In thinking over my response, my ego would briefly feel good at revenge but I understand in long term it is a no-win making my heart cold too. Instead, I strive to choose loving-kindness with my heart warm and my boundaries are intact. I also hope my reaction offers an example of alternative choices to anger, fear, and/or hate reactions.

I believe this is the example Martin Luther King, Jr. set during the Civil Rights Movement and with his statement, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

If you feel despair and disconnect, please do call on your guardian angels for assistance in weathering your life’s challenges. I hope you also find a way to be a guardian angel of light for love too.

Lovingly Yours,
Laurel Latto
Artist & Founder of DonnaBellas Angels

DonnaBellas Angels Motto: “Medicine Heals the Body, Art Heals the Soul”

Guardian Angels of Loving Kindness Art Store

You can download the Guardian Angels of Loving Kindness image from the DonnaBellas Angels website for personal (non-commercial) use. It is also available for sale online in our Zazzle store.  Royalties on the sale support the non-profit.  It is available on a variety of merchandise including art prints, canvas wraps, keychains, buttons, bags, shirts, stickers, and more.  Below are a few samples.  Click here to see all Loving Kindness Angel Art on Zazzle.

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