God made butterflies to show you the way.
To guide you to your rainbow on a gloomy day.
Follow their lead.
You will succeed.
Your strength is insurmountable.
Your force is unstoppable.
Those that are extraordinary always surge.
Conquer your dreams as the world is yours.
Never lose your sparkle.
Never cease to shine.
Spread your wings beautiful one.
You’re one of a kind.
– Poem by Erin Hoff
Art featured is Butterfly Word Art Inspirational Painting.
Inspirational words float above butterfly wings to create colorful motivational word art. Butterfly painting features the positive inspirational words of love, hope, peace, and faith together with pink, blue, green, and purple butterflies. Inspirational artwork by Laurel Latto for DonnaBellas Angels.org.
These butterfly motivational word art pictures are designed so as to provide reflection and meditation on an ideal. The butterfly wings and words are designed to help you feel the positive attitude associated with the word and help you feel emotionally healing. You can also combine the positive butterfly words together to make your own word series for meditation/ contemplation.
You may download and share this image share with friends, family and co-workers. We permit personal use (non-commercial use) of our images as part of our non-profit’s mission in helping others to provide a healing support to the public. Please help support our mission by making a donation today!
The butterfly words painting is available for purchase on a variety of our online stores. Scroll down to see a selection of available butterfly art gifts. If you wish to purchase the art, it is available for sale at DonnaBellas Angels at Zazzle.