Elementary School Art Easy Craft Project for Kids

The DonnaBellas Angels inspirational word art series was used as the basis for an elementary school classroom lesson to discuss words, colors, and potential meanings. The children were shown sample word art. They were asked to think about how certain colors made them feel when paired with inspirational word rt.

After discussing the DonnaBellas Angels art, the kids were asked to pick an inspirational word for themselves. The children then made their own inspirational word art paintings using colors and words that were meaningful to them. Some kids copied the DonnBellas Angels art, and others created their own original pieces. Some kids had so much fun that a few stayed in from recess to be able to complete their art project.

The teacher then displayed the art on a nearby board so it was a mosaic of inspirational artwork. At the end of the project, children can share why they picked that word and talk about their art piece as part of a final class discussion for the word art project.

Classroom Art Project of Inspirational Word Art
Classroom Art Project of Inspirational Word Art

Here are some samples of the DonnaBellas Angels inspirational word artwork that the children looked at for the art discussion.

Sweet Pink Love Word Art Painting
Sweet Pink Love Word Art Painting
Sparkle Hope Word Art Inspirational Painting
Sparkle Hope Word Art Inspirational Painting
Faith Word Art Inspirational Watercolor Glitter Painting
Faith Word Art Inspirational Watercolor Glitter Painting
Happy Word Art Inspirational Glitter Painting
Happy Word Art Inspirational Glitter Painting
Laugh Word Art Inspirational Glitter Sparkle Painting
Laugh Word Art Inspirational Glitter Sparkle Painting
Peace Word Art Glitter Dove Inspirational Painting
Peace Word Art Glitter Dove Inspirational Painting
Sparkle Joy Word Art Inspirational Painting
Sparkle Joy Word Art Inspirational Painting
Trust Word Art Inspirational Painting
Trust Word Art Inspirational Painting
Courage Hearts Inspirational Word Art Painting
Courage Inspirational Word Art

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