Memories of Kindness and Art on Southwest Airlines Flight
I travel for my work which takes me all over the U.S. I had a Facebook memory pop up from 9 years ago in November 2015 and wanted to share it.
“I am always impressed at how a small act can be meaningful to one person and spread on to others.
Today, I worked in Tampa and then flew home. I was working on my computer and had the image of one of my abstract art paintings showing. The Southwest flight attendant really liked it and asked me about my art. I said I gave up abstracts for angels and showed her DonnaBellas Angels.
She told me how she lost her mom to breast cancer. She noted that many Southwest coworkers had cancer and wanted to hand out framed DonnaBellas Angels art prints to them. I gave her a stack of DonnaBellas Angels postcards I had on me. During the flight, she passed them on to other flight attendants and another passenger who is a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic Scottsdale. She came back to tell me how she was sharing them and telling them about DonnaBellas Angels. The flight attendant said she was going to email me about getting more art to share.
I later found out the news about the attacks in Paris. In honoring the victims, I would like to request that anyone who reads this thinks about practicing a small act of kindness to others. You never know what it may mean to someone else to receive it and help make this world a brighter, kinder place to live in and share. The “Faith, Hope, Love” image was on some of the postcards that I passed to the flight attendant, who in turn gave them to others.”
I travel with art print cards because I never know when moments for connection and healing might happen. I wanted to share this story because my hope in having the upcoming kindness campaign is to help others have their own moments too in spreading kindness.
As for the launch status of the campaign, I am still working on getting the videos together. My hope is to have free time to assemble things over the upcoming US Thanksgiving holiday and launch it in December.
If you have any thoughts or ideas, please reply to this post to share your insights.
Thank You,
Laurel Latto
Artist & Founder of DonnaBellas Angels
DonnaBellas Angels Motto: “Medicine Heals the Body, Art Heals the Soul”