Learn about DonnaBellas Angels
DonnaBellas Angels is a 501(c)3 non-profit that provides inspirational art to the public for mental health wellness. The art incorporates uplifting colors and themes such as angels, butterflies, hearts, poems, positive words, and/or prayers.
The purpose of the art is to provide hope and encouragement to recipients. DonnaBellas Angels’ motto is, “Medicine Heals the Body, Art Heals the Soul”. Laurel Latto, DonnaBellas Angels’ artist and founder, came to the idea of creating the non-profit after working in cancer research and appreciating the importance of emotional wellness in coping with stress, anxiety, and depression that may accompany an illness.
How we Provide Art to the Public
The art is made available to the public in multiple ways. Original paintings are provided on loan to medical clinics or wellness centers. Art prints and postcards are distributed to the public for personal use mainly through medical clinics and non-profit wellness organizations.
The public can also request limited art royalty use. Recipients sign a contract describing how they will use the art. Examples include using it on a wellness cards, cancer boutique mailers, fundraiser walk t-shirts, banners, and local clinic posters. Groups locally fund printing costs and include an art credit reference into the design. DonnaBellas Angels reviews and approves a design mock-up prior to printing.
Shohini Ghosh, World Renown Sculptor, created “My Angel” sculptures made in soft stress foam. The non-profit has also paired with AwarenessGallery.com to provide inspirational awareness ribbons.
Past Art Donations to the Public
Cancer Therapy and Research Center (San Antonio, TX) received original paintings, art prints, and postcards. They were used to decorate the patient clinic areas. Postcards were placed on waiting room information tables for people to take for personal use.

Texas Children’s Cancer Center (Houston, TX) received art prints for decorating a respite room for patients, loved ones, and staff. Additional prints were provided in a basket for kids to take and decorate their rooms. Staff used the “Colorful Cancer Angel” on a t-shirt fundraiser. Funds raised were used to buy blankets for their DNR cart. Royalty use of the art requires the group to sign a contract that gives them permission to use the art for their project. Printing costs are covered by the local group.

Carol G. Simon Cancer Center (Morristown Medical Center, New Jersey) received art royalty use. They used the art to create cards with messages of hope and inspiration for patients and caregivers that were distributed in new patient packets.
St. Dominic’s Hospital (Jackson, MS) used “Rainbow Cancer Heart” art to announce their new hospital cancer boutique. Art was featured on a billboard, postcards, and rack cards. Groups using the art need to add an art credit reference into the design. DonnaBellas Angels reviews and approves a design mock-up prior to printing.

An elementary school classroom used the inspirational word art series as the basis for a lesson to discuss words, colors, and potential meanings. After they reviewed the DonnaBellas Angels art, kids made their own inspirational word art painting. They had so much fun, a few stayed in from recess to be able to complete their art project