DonnaBellas Angels
Cancer Art Painting Donation to May Cancer Center in San Antonio, Texas

Feel My Beauty Pink Cancer Angel donation to Mays Cancer Center

“Feel My Beauty Pink Cancer Angel” painting was donated to the Mays Cancer Center in San Antonio, Texas. This multi-media artwork features an abstract pink angel symbolizing love and hope through its colors and accompanying “Feel My Beauty” poem, reflecting themes of choosing positivity and resilience amid cancer challenges.

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What Cancer Cannot Do Blue & Gold Guardian Angel Art Painting

Blue and Gold Angel Heart Angel What Cancer Cannot Do Poem Art Painting & Gifts

This painting features a guardian angel floating above a heart.  There is blue and gold-colored paint and the poem of[…]

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Spring Hearts Cancer Angel Donation to Pasco Pinellas Cancer Center

Cancer Angel Painting Donations to Pasco Pinellas Cancer Center

The “Spring Hearts Cancer Angel” and “Rainbow Cancer Angel” paintings were donated to Pasco Pinellas Cancer Center located in Holiday, Florida. The art features angels with the inspirational poem “What Cancer Cannot Do”.

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DonnaBellas Angels Art Donation to Dr. Mena at Disney Cancer Center in Burbank, CA

Disney Cancer Center Art Donation

Original cancer angel painting and numerous art prints were donated to Dr. Raul Mena at the Disney Cancer Center located in Burbank, CA.

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Green Cancer Angel My Life My Choice Poem Art Painting

Affirmation of Choice & Green Cancer Angel

Inspirational cancer poem “My Life, My Choice” about what we choose in life. Green angel with cancer poem art available as cancer gifts.

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