DonnaBellas Angels is helping to support "Doctors' Care" team participation in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life®. DonnaBellas Angels provided the team with use of the "Spring Hearts Cancer Angel" painting for their team t-shirt.
The team was able to sell 574 t-shirts as part of their team fundraiser and credits DonnaBellas Angels art for help with their success!
"This is our third year to participate in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. All the help from Laurel and others at DonnaBellas Angels made this year our biggest ever with a final team total of $8634.75. We sold t-shirts with the 'What Cancer Cannot Do - Spring Hearts Cancer Angel', and raised over $2500.00 on this fundraiser alone. The angel t-shirts were such a hit - they practically sold themselves!"
- Tara Fulford, Doctors' Care Team
The team was also supplied with DonnaBellas Angels designed luminaria cards. Click here to see more about the team and pictures from the event.