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DonnaBellas Angels Donations to Texas Children's Cancer Center (TXCH)

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Angel Art at TXCCC Respite Room

DonnaBellas Angels is donating multiple items to the Texas Children's Cancer Center (TXCH) in Houston. Donations have included the following:

It is the mission of DonnaBellas Angels to provide inspirational healing art to medical clinics and wellness centers. We used donations to help cover the cost of producing original art, and art prints so they can be made available at no cost or with a minimal fee to medical clinics.

Basket of Art Postcards and Prints“We had an 18 month old patient who we had taken care of since he was 4 months old. His health was rapidly declining and many of us started to prepare for the worse. There isn't much that can comfort you in these types of situations. However, the nurses went through artwork that was donated by DonnaBellas Angels and found a piece that we knew would be perfect. It was a painting of an angel holding a baby in the sky over several small houses. We placed the artwork above his head on his crib until the day he passed away. All of us finally found comfort in seeing that in this picture, we could see our little boy being taken to a better place by a sweet angel. Now knowing he was without any pain or suffering. We keep that same picture in our respite room as a constant reminder of him and how much we all miss him. Thank you to the whole DonnaBellas Angels family for providing this comfort to us!”

-Lindsey Zaremba, Pediatric Nurse
Texas Children’s Hospital Cancer Center

TXCH Angel Art in Respite RoomClick here to see a photo gallery
of the donated paintings at
Texas Children's Cancer Center.

The clinic has a memory garden for children who have passed. They staff write their names on a rock and the angel prints are placed to watch over their memory of these little patients.

Rock Memory Garden of Children's Names

The angel pillow cases featured below were donated to TXCH for the children's hospital's "Do Not Resuscitate" (DNR) cart.

When a family makes a decision of DNR for their child, the nursing staff do what they can to make the bedside more comforting. A pediatric nurse asked Donnabellas Angels whether we had pillows that could be donated for the DNR cart.

The nurses explained that a child would enjoy the comfort of having an angel pillow case for their bed. Also after the child passes, the parents could take the pillow case home with them if they wished in memory of their child. DonnaBellas Angels designed and donated these pillow cases in response to the TXCH nurse's request.

Angel Words Pillow Case

White pillow case featuring Angel Words
in English (Love and Peace) and
in Spanish (Amor and Serenidad).

Angel Words, Hearts, Cancer Angel Pillow Case

Pink pillow case with Angel Word Love,
Inspirational Word Love, Spring Hearts Cancer Angel,
and Rainbow Heart Spirit Words.


Angel Words Blue Pillow case

Blue pillow case featuring
Angel Words of Faith, Hope, and Love.

Inspiration Love Word Rainbow Cancer Heart Pillow Case

White pillow case with Inspirational Word Love
and What Cancer Cannot Do Rainbow Heart.

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